German Immigration History Coursepack

Upper-level German Special Topics Course: German Immigration HistoryJohanna Schuster-CraigMichigan State University This is a coursepack for an upper-level German-language content course with materials exploring the history of twentieth-century immigration to Germany through comic books, film, interviews, and archival source materials. Specific topics include: Guest worker migration, socialist immigration to the former German Democratic Republic, postwar […]

Environment and Engagement in German Studies

Environmental topics have become a significant part of German Studies. Environmental action also presents an opportunity for engaging with communities beyond the classroom. Site maintained by Kiley Kost (Carleton College), Nicole Fischer (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Dan Nolan (University of Minnesota Duluth), and Seth Peabody (Carleton College). Environment and Engagement in German Studies website Tags: […]

Sexualities, Ethnicity, Class: Reinterpreting the Holocaust

Anna HájkováUniversity of Warwick (UK) An advanced undergraduate course (a full-year module) on the history of the Holocaust, with a particular focus on race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality, age, identity, and ethical choices. Visit the course site here. Image source: This image was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the German Federal Archive (Deutsches Bundesarchiv) as […]

Citizenship, Violence and Race: Germans and Africans in Colonial and Postcolonial Encounters

Robbie AitkenSheffield Hallam University This course is aimed at advanced level undergraduate students. It makes use of a wide variety of primary materials to examine a history of interactions between Africans and Germans and the consequences of this interaction. Students will be introduced to aspects of post-colonial theory, constructions of blackness and race, and debates […]

The Experience of Modernity: A Cultural History of Interwar Germany

Jochen HungUniversity of UtrechtDept. of History & Art History “The Experience of Modernity: A Cultural History of Interwar Germany” is a graduate (Master’s-level) course on the Weimar Republic. Image source: By Gartenhallenbad_Fechenheim_Ostseite_03012010.JPG: Urmelbeauftragter, Jürgen Heegmann, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Nazi Germany and the Holocaust

Adam BlacklerUniversity of Wyoming An upper-division, undergraduate history course on the history of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. One of the main assignments is research project using newspapers and the USHMM’s “History Unfolded” project. Image: By United States Army Signal Corps photographer – Harvard Law School Library, Harvard University [1], Public Domain,

EuropeNow Syllabus Database

A wide-ranging, interdisciplinary collection of syllabi on European topics hosted by EuropeNow, an online journal published by the Council of European Studies (CES). Link: EuropeNow Syllabus Database Image source: Public Domain,

Third-Year German: Wald, Wetter, Wandel

Johanna Schuster-CraigMichigan State University This upper-division German language and culture course analyzes the natural world and our often unnatural technologies that interfere with the ecological order. Intensive work with texts and films dealing with forests, gardens, plants, natural explorers, pollution and atomic disaster. Image: “in the forest” by Wim Vandenbussche is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA […]
