
GERMANIA wird produziert von funk. funk ist ein Gemeinschaftsangebot der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (ARD) und des Zweiten Deutschen Fernsehens (ZDF) GERMANIA zeichnet ein aktuelles Portrait von Deutschland und fragt: Was ist deutsche Identität? Menschen, die in Deutschland leben, sprechen über ihr Identitätsgefühl, ihre Wurzeln, Orte und Regionen, die sie geprägt haben und […]

Goldstaub Rohrpost

Wir sind ELSE EDELSTAHL, Veranstalterin der Bohème Sauvage und ARNE KRASTING, Historiker und Gründer von ZeitReisen. ​Wir teilen eine große Leidenschaft: DIE ZWANZIGER JAHRE – die Zeit der Weimarer Republik – in all ihren Facetten, in all ihren Irren und Wirren. Listen to the podcasts here.

Reunification Revisited

Goethe Institut Thirty years after German reunification put an end to the 1949 division of Germany into East and West, the questions remain:  How did people in both socialist East Germany and capitalist West Germany think about organizing their societies? What was important to them, and what didn’t work out as planned? What can we learn […]

Black Lives Matter in German History

Institute for Historical Research, London, Modern German History Seminar Research in Black German Studies has been underway for decades, but this year has seen new urgency and wider attention, partially triggered by the Black Lives Matter movement in the US and partially by homegrown violence and racism against minorities in the UK and elsewhere in […]

The Auschwitz Trial

Fritz Bauer Institute, Frankfurt/Main. A collection of informational films and printed / visual material about the trial, the Auschwitz concentration camp(s), and a detailed glossary (entirely in German). Videos on the site require JavaScript and Adobe Flash Player plugin. The latter will be obsolete by December 31, 2020. In any case, this site still features […]

The German Obsession with Native North Americans

In “Searching For Winnetou,” Ojibway author and humourist Drew Hayden Taylor is on a quest to understand the roots of the German obsession with Native North Americans. View the documentary here.

Tage der Jüdisch-Muslimischen Leitkultur

Vom 3. Oktober bis 9. November 2020 finden der dezentrale Kongress “Tage der Jüdisch-Muslimischen Leitkultur” in Theatern und Institutionen im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum statt. Zentrales Anliegen der TdJML ist die Suche nach einer neuen Erzählung für die plurale und postmigrantische deutsche Gegenwart. Im 30. Jahr der sogenannten Wiedervereinigung, 20. Jahr des Debattierens einer „deutschen Leitkultur“ […]

Decolonization in Action

Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin Decolonization in Action is a podcast project that interrogates decolonization in the arts, sciences, and beyond. The podcast focuses on how decolonization is being put into action today. While calls for decolonizing science, education, and museums are becoming more prominent, knowledge practices of western academia and of present-day colonizing nation states […]

Compromised Identities: Reflections on Perpetration and Complicity under Nazism

Centre for Collective Violence, Holocaust and Genocide Studies,Institute of Advanced Studies, University College London “Compromised Identities?” explores how perpetration and complicity are represented and understood both at the time and later. The page with its eight main topics also features images, documents, a film collection, objects and an interactive map. Visit the Compromised Identities website

Lexikon der Filmbegriffe

Lexikon der Filmbegriffe

University of Kiel Designed as an aid for everyday use by film scholars, cineastes, and those curious about films, the Lexicon of Film Terms offers definitions for over 7,000 terms broken down by field. Each entry provides a reliable overview of an object or term and provides additional explanations, references, and historical features regarding the […]
