Synagogen in Deutschland


University of Darmstadt The project Synagogen in Deutschland: Eine virtuelle Rekonstruktion explores the digital reconstruction of historical synagogues in Germany that were destroyed by the Nazis. The project has chosen to focus on 15 synagogues in Berlin, Dortmund, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Hannover, Kaiserslautern, Köln, Leipzig, München, Nürnberg, Plauen, and Stuttgart. Visit the site While many […]


DigBib.Org offers a wide range of digitized German-language literary works. Some of the authors featured here are Lessing, Kafka, Schiller, Goethe, and others. All works are available as PDF documents and are provided as open access documents without copyright. View the site

Lexikon der Filmbegriffe

Lexikon der Filmbegriffe

University of Kiel Designed as an aid for everyday use by film scholars, cineastes, and those curious about films, the Lexicon of Film Terms offers definitions for over 7,000 terms broken down by field. Each entry provides a reliable overview of an object or term and provides additional explanations, references, and historical features regarding the […]

The Avalon Project

Avalon Project at Yale

Yale Law School, New Haven, CT The Avalon Project at Yale University offers a complete set of the transcripts from the International Military Tribunal for Germany (the Nuremberg Trials). Users can look through each of the virtual archive boxes or jump to a curated set of key documents. Visit the Site

Worldwide Worldwide Remarque

Erich Maria Remarque-Friedenszentrum Osnabrück The exhibition Worldwide Worldwide Remarque at the Erich Maria Remarque Peace Center in Osnabrück documents the current worldwide presence of Erich Maria Remarque’s work in various media since 1998. The “object of the week” introduces this representation, for example, in short films, art work, publications, or music. Visit the exhibition

Heimatkunde: Migrationspolitisches Portal

Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin Heimatkunde: Migrationspolitisches Portal by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung features dossiers interested in migration and politics. The series “Welcome to Germany” contains, for example, a number of dossiers, including “Flucht, Asyl, und Willlkommenskultur,” featuring a series of articles on the subject. Additionally, the Heimatkunde Mediathek features podcasts and videos. Heimatkunde: Migrationspolitisches Portal […]

Topography of Violence

Jüdisches Museum, Berlin The Jewish Museum of Berlin presents an interactive visualization of anti-Semitic violence in Germany between 1930 and 1938. The visualization can be altered by the user to examine the places, the victims, the time sequence, and the perpetrators of violence. Topography of Violence site

BIAAS Austro-Americana Blogs

The Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies, Media, PA The Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies (BIASS) promotes an understanding of the historic relationship between the United States and Austria, including the lands of the former Habsburg empire. The BIAAS blog series features posts by junior and senior scholars in the field of Austrian-American studies, featuring, for […]

Mitteldeutsche Selbstzeugnisse der Zeit des Dreißigjährigen Krieges

Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Jena The website Personal Accounts of the Thirty Years War from Central Germany provides access to four previously unpublished texts from an administrator, a Protestant master dyer, a Catholic vicar capitular and a war commissar, tax collector, judge, and diplomat. These commented ego-documents show how the conduct of the war and […]

Europeana collections

Europeana Foundation, The Hague, Netherlands Europeana provides access to millions of books, music, maps, manuscripts, newspapers, artworks and more – accessible with search and filter tools. The portal hosts also online exhibitions and a blog. Europena site
