Mimeo: Blog der Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden am Dubnow-Institut

Mimeo - Simon Dubnow Institute

Leibnitz-Institut für jüdische Geschichte und Kultur – Simon Dubnow, Leipzig A multi-authored blog series by the doctoral candidates at the Simon Dubnow Institute in Leipzig. The topics of the blog posts cover a wide range of issues related to Jewish history in Germany and abroad. Blog posts are in either German or English. Most of […]

1968 in der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft

1968 in der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft

Edited by Sabine Koloch at Literaturkritik.de A special edition of the website Literaturkritik.de about the crisis in Germanistik surrounding the events of 1968 in German literature. The collection includes scholarly articles, witness testimony, commentaries, and ancillary documents. Visit the Site

Documentation Center of the Reichsparteitag Grounds in Nuremberg

Document Center Nuremberg

City of Nuremberg (Stadt Nürnberg) Dokumentationszentrum Reichsparteitagsgelände Nürnberg (also available in English) provides visitors with an overview of the history of National Socialism with pictures and ancillary teaching material. Main Site: German | English Exhibition and Materials on National Socialism: German

New Fascism Syllabus

The New Fascism Syllabus is “a crowd-sourced collection of writings on the history of fascist, authoritarian, and populist movements and governments during the 20th and 21st centuries. It is intended to serve as a popular entryway into the scholarly literature” and provides “comparative perspectives on how everyday people, as well as cultural authorities and civil […]

Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek

Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin The aim of the German Digital Library (DDB) is to give everyone free access to the cultural and scientific heritage of Germany via the Internet – to millions of books, archives, pictures, sculptures, pieces of music and other audio documents, films and sheet music. As the central national portal, the DDB […]

Netzwerk 3te Generation Ost

Netzwerk 3th Generation Ost / Adriana Lettrari, Berlin The “3rd Generation East” is a network of all those who were born in the GDR between 1975 and 1985 and who actively play their role in shaping society. The network tries to discover, describe and actively promote the associated competencies. The website introduces recent activities such […]

Compromised Identities: Reflections on Perpetration and Complicity under Nazism

Centre for Collective Violence, Holocaust and Genocide Studies,Institute of Advanced Studies, University College London “Compromised Identities?” explores how perpetration and complicity are represented and understood both at the time and later. The page with its eight main topics also features images, documents, a film collection, objects and an interactive map. Visit the Compromised Identities website

Austrian Heritage Archive

Verein GEDENKDIENST – Verein für historisch-politische Bildungsarbeit und internationalen Dialog, Wien The Austrian Heritage Archive (AHA) collects video and audio interviews with Jewish Austrian emigrés who fled to the USA or Palestine/Israel during the National Socialist period or immediately afterwards. The interviews are presented in their edited form and are accompanied by biographical documents and […]

Music in Berlin, 1870-1910: An Empire for Absolute Music

Sanna Pederson, University of Oklahoma, Norman “An Empire for Absolute Music” focuses on concerts of instrumental music during the Kaiserzeit – when the most celebrated piano and violin virtuosos lived and taught in Berlin, frequently described as the musical capital of the world. Short blog posts introduce protagonists and events presented with images, documents and […]

Erinnerungsorte der Sozialdemokratie

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung / Archiv der Sozialen Demokratie, Bonn “Places of Remembrance of German Social Democracy” offers two main features: a map and a ‘journey through time,’ including documents, images and movies from the more than 150 years history of the SPD, unions and organizations of the workers movement. The content is accessible via a […]
