Anyone4german? An Online Workbook for all Levels of the CEFR

An interactive online workbook, open educational resource based on the CEFR, authored by Dagmar Fischer at the Technical University Dublin. Based on authentic materials, levels A1-C1, includes audio and visual components. Website: Tags: Language Acquisition Image Source: Anyone4german website

German Immigration History Coursepack

Upper-level German Special Topics Course: German Immigration HistoryJohanna Schuster-CraigMichigan State University This is a coursepack for an upper-level German-language content course with materials exploring the history of twentieth-century immigration to Germany through comic books, film, interviews, and archival source materials. Specific topics include: Guest worker migration, socialist immigration to the former German Democratic Republic, postwar […]

Challenge Statements: One Sentence Writing Assignments

Andy EvansSUNY New Paltz “Challenge statements” are short, 50-word, single-sentence statements on course readings. They are designed to a) encourage students to do the reading and b) improve students’ skills of summary and analysis. Challenge statements are also excellent tools for helping students become better writers. Tags: German History, teaching Image Source: By Bundesarchiv, Bild […]

Weiße Rose Stiftung

Weiße Rose Stiftung e.V., Munich The Weiße Rose Foundation offers online pedagogical material and an app about Weiße Rose and resistance in Nazi Germany. There is also an audio guide (in German and English) for a traveling exhibition, the short audios are useful without the exhibition too. Weiße Rose Stiftung website

Podcast Arbeitsblatt/Worksheet

Upper-level Advanced German seminar: Memory, Migration, HomeEla GezenUniversity of Massachusetts, Amherst Vocab application/open-ended question worksheet responding to discussion of migration/integration in glossary and podcast; links active. Tags: German-Language, Language Acquisition, Vocabulary, Migration Image: Neue deutsche Medienmacher*innen logo,

Vocabulary Building Assignment: Migration

Man holding a small child with a woman standing next to him.

Johanna Schuster-CraigUpper-level Advanced German Course: Migration StudiesMichigan State University This is an upper-level vocabulary assignment for students in 300 or 400-level courses. Assigned as homework and printed or included in coursepack to serve as a workbook-like assignment. Also available as a Google Doc. Tags: German-Language, Vocabulary, Migration Image Source: By Bundesarchiv, B 145 Bild-F040747-0029 / […]


GETMAPP is a digital database of teaching materials for both K-12 and undergraduate German language teaching. German teachers can collaborate, communicate, and share their digital materials here. Best of all, no downloading to clog up your email or phone. GETMAPP is sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG), the German Federal Foreign […]

Reading Comprehension: Die Wolke

Worksheets and reading guides designed to pace students through their first time reading a German novel, Die Wolke by Gudrun Pausewang.

Comparative Newsreel Assignment: Occupied Germany

Students used knowledge from course readings and a recorded lecture/slideshow to analyze two primary sources from the period of Germany’s postwar occupation and then to compare their analyses via small group discussion on the LMS.
