Postcolonial Potsdam Audio Guide

Postcolonial Potsdam

Weltweiterdenken, e.V., Stuttgart Postcolonial Potsdam offers an interactive audio guide that tells the story of traces of colonialism in Potsdam. Statues, buildings, paintings or plants point to colonial entanglements when you look closely. The rotary of the Oranges in Sanssouci Park, for example, reveals connections between Prussia and the Netherlands. This friendship symbolizes the beginning […]

Einstein Papers Project: The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein

California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA The Einstein Papers Project is engaged in one of the most ambitious scholarly publishing ventures undertaken in the history of science. The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein provides the first complete picture of Einstein’s massive written legacy. In addition to Einstein’s prolific scientific writings, the Collected Papers also contains his massive body of […]



bi’bak e.V., Berlin bi’bak (Turkish for “have a look”) is a project space based in Berlin, with a focus on transnational narratives, migration, global mobility and their aesthetic dimensions. bi’bak hosts a variety of events ranging from film screenings, exhibitions, workshops to music events and culinary excursions. Some of their project related documentaries and talks are […]

GEI-Digital: The Digital Textbook Library

Georg-Eckert-Institut – Leibniz-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, Braunschweig GEI-Digital visualized provides interactive access to the collection of historic textbooks from Germany. It visualizes temporal and spatial dimensions of the collection which supply insights into developments on the historic textbook market and its actors in Germany. More than 4000 German textbooks are available, including reading primers, geography […]

Deutsches Literatur Archiv Marbach

Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach

The German Literature Archive, Marbach The German Literature Archive is the home to the personal papers of thousands of German authors and cultural figures from 1750 to the present. Its library is the largest dedicated to literary history in Germany. Its largest collections include the papers of Friedrich Schiller and the Cotta publishing house. It […]

The Poetry Project

Poetry Project

The Poetry Project, e.V., Berlin The Poetry Project is a four-language poetry project that supports writing groups comprised of youth people with and without refugee backgrounds throughout Germany. The poems are published in Farsi, Arabic, German, and English. Visit the site

stadtsprachen magazin


Stadtsprachen – Magazine of Berlin’s multilingual literature The stadtsprachen magazin was founded in 2016 as an online literacy magazine dedicated to publishing Berlin’s multilingual contemporary literature. The content of the magazine reflects the multicultural and multilingual backgrounds of Berlins literary community. The aim of the magazine is not just to highlight Berlin’s multilingual contemporary literature, […]

Transit: A Journal of Travel, Migration, and Multiculturalism in the German-speaking World


University of California, Berkeley, CA Transit is a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to the critical inquiry of travel, migration, and multiculturalism in the German-speaking world. The journal publishes multimedia articles on a wide range of disciplines, including literature, history, art history, theater, linguistics, social sciences, anthropology, political science, geography, cultural studies, art history, philosophy, religious […]

Scripta Paedagogica Online

Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung, Berlin Scripta Paedagogica Online is a digital text archive on the history of education in German-speaking countries. It contains, among other things, the results of several DFG-funded projects for the digitization of educational journals, reference works, and religious / pedagogical journals, as well as further educational writings from the holdings of […]

Pictura Paedagogica Online

Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung, Berlin Pictura Paedagogica Online, the image archive on the history of education, has been collecting images from various collections and making them available online since January 2000. The image archive comprises more than 70,000 images, including a large inventory of book illustrations and postcards, but also smaller collections of photographs and […]
